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Chicago The Therapeutic Inventory Institute

Working today for a brighter, and better tomorrow

who we are
Therapeutics Yoga Methods Chicago



TTII is a 501(c)3 dedicated to treating the residual symptoms of traumatic experiences through the use of researched-based yoga practices, breathing techniques, meditation, cognitive-behavioral strategies, and other movement therapies.


TTII also serves as an innovator in developing preventative strategies for individuals and institutions. It is our belief that traumatic experiences reside at a cellular level and that the ability to manage those symptoms is achievable.

TTII was created by Dr. Larry Turner, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist, RN, Substance Abuse Therapist and Certified Yoga Therapist who has traveled all over the world to instate therapeutic strategies for communities of adults and children, who have endured trauma.

Dr Larry Turner TTII


Tales From The Hood


  • Jenkins, E.J., Wang, E. Turner, L. (2009). Traumatic events involving friends and family members in a sample of African American early adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. (79), 3. P-398-406. 

  • Jenkins, E.J., Wang, E., Turner, L. (2014). Beyond Community Violence: Loss and Traumatic Grief in African American Elementary School Children. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma (2014) 7:27–36​


Hurricane Katrina /Rita- My experiences with the victims varied but one that stands out was that of a little girl and her  father. While dad looked around and talked to the various agencies for assistance, the little girl with a stunned look on her face, silently followed him around clutching his hand tightly.  Several of the providers tried to engage her in conversation however she said nothing.  I had seen similar expressions on the faces of traumatized children in hospitals and clinics in Chicago. 

Haitian Eartquake - While Port-Au-Prince was severely damaged during this catastrophic event, the cities near the epicenter, like Leogone, suffered extensive damage to life and physical structure. In all over 230,000 people perished  in this disaster.  While the medical needs where done in make shift clinics with tarps, the psychological needs were difficult to assess and address. We developed evening yoga classes for the medical staff to relieve some of the daily vicarious trauma. 

Ebola Crisis - Many of the First responders to this crisis in Western Africa where overwhelmed by the lack of poor working environments and lack of appropriate equipment. The harsh working conditions, lack of effective time off, and extremely poor survival rate of the victims, created  new traumatic memories and allowed old traumas to resurface.  Some of the techniques that worked to relieve stress were breathing, visualization, and prolonged holding of easy yoga poses.

Chicago The Therapeutic Inventory Institute

“The world breaks everyone… and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.”

~Ernest Hemingway

Who We Serve
Therapeutic Schools Chicago



In many high trauma urban environments, students come to school everyday having been involved in traumatic events. Children are especially vulnerable to the impact of traumatic experiences as they have less coping skills and support systems. Traumatic experiences can devastate the quality of life and learning opportunities in innumerable ways.


Teachers / staff can benefit from TTII’s focus on trauma informed care, as the creation of a therapeutic environment reduces stress (compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma). TTII uses breathing, meditation, visualization, yoga and additional therapeutic interventions to teach self-soothing techniques as therapeutic tools.


Developing skills to recognize, and address internal mood changes is critical for children, parents, teachers and community members. Each school is assessed for its positive resources which are used as a foundation for developing a trauma sensitive environment.



TTII works with universities, corporations, churches and additional community partners, to increase recognition of occupational stress.  Developing programs and workshops that increase individual mental health, reduces the potential for employee burnout and emotional fatigue. Today’s added stressors of the Corona Virus and economic turmoil, exponentially increases the emotional pressure on individuals, their families and organizations.


Being able to practice individual and group relaxation / centering techniques can reduce the impact of trauma. Organizations that provide therapeutic outreach to underserved individuals, especially families, have to be aware of the need for self-care. When involved in emotionally draining measures, not taking care of yourself eventually impacts their ability to serve. There is a strong need to help the helper, so they can effectively help.

Therapeutic Communities Chicago
Chicago The Therapeutic Inventory Institute


Our Method
Meditation Chicago The Therapeutic Inventory Institute



Assessment of current work / home environment


Presentations to Staff / Students/Employees


Development of institution / individual specific care plans


Consultation with Teachers / Administrators 


Individual Client Assessments


Small Student Groups – Focused on SEL / TRAUMA


Creation of Meditation Room for Students / Staff


Develop Yoga / Meditation Groups


Home visits 


Fast Track to Mental Health / Substance Abuse Services



​Create a Trauma Informed / Trauma Sensitive Environment


Assess and decrease the residual effects of traumatic events in the lives of students, families and school personnel


Empower schools, communities and corporations with stress reduction techniques as a preventative strategy


Train staff with take away skills for life enhancement

School Kids Meditating Chicago The Therapeutic Inventory Institute

"What you do the most, is what you'll be good at."

~Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu 




All donations to TTII are used for training / presentations to community partners. Community partners such as churches, childcare providers and substance abuse treatment centers, can receive free training to assist upward movement of their clients. TTII trains volunteers to work in schools with traumatized children.

The driving force behind TTII is to teach people to look inward, in a therapeutic manner. In addition, the need for learning self-examination techniques and self support is critical in moving forward for all. Donate to aid in our progression.

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The Therapeutic Inventory Institute

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Yoga Child's Pose Chicago The Therapeutic Inventory Institute

"You never know how strong you are,

until being strong is the only choice you have." 

~Bob Marley

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